Textify opens the Dev edition instead of the Release edition. I have 2 editions of Firefox installed: Release (=default) and Dev. Use the “More settings” button in Textify for details. In addition to that, it’s now simpler to configure a button to launch a custom command, be it a URL or a program on your computer. Firefox doesn’t provide such an option, but it provides the -width, -height, -new-window command line options which allow to create a small popup window, albeit with the URL bar and the rest of the UI. Chrome provides an option to create a new minimalistic window without the URL bar by using the -app command line switch. Currently, Chrome and Firefox are supported. Textify v1.8 improves the situation by opening the website in a new popup window while using the default browser. That’s too distracting, at least for me, especially when I’m already using the browser and need a quick translation or search. Using the default browser solves the issues above, but the website opens in a new tab for most browsers. Finally, you had to login to websites separately, since IE is probably not the browser you use daily. Also, several websites (again, Google Translate is an example) showed an offer to upgrade to a better browser right in the popup.
The IE control popup was often slow to load, especially for the Google Translate website. Using the feature for a while, I discovered that each option has its own drawbacks. In the original implementation, you could configure a button to open a link in one of the following two ways: in a popup window which hosts an IE control, or in the default browser. About two years ago I introduced the so-called “web buttons” in Textify in the Textify v1.6 meets the web post.